HomeBody Armor MaterialsArmour: Materials, Theory, and Design

Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design

Ever wanted to learn about how armour works? UNSW Canberra in Australia will be running an online course on ARMOUR from 16-20 November 2020. The course will run from 0900-1600 AEDT and will be delivered by Professor Paul Hazell.

This online course is based on the reference book of the same name by the course presenter. It provides an in-depth study of armour systems and technologies that can be applied to personnel, vehicles, ships and structures as well as providing the participant an introduction to the material science concepts that are important for armour construction and integration.

This full course comprises of 10 modules each of which correspond to approximately 3 hours of directed learning activity. Module 10 comprises of an optional online course test. Some basic familiarity of technical and engineering concepts is required to get the most out of this course.

Attendees will receive a comprehensive set of notes covering the lecture content. This course will be delivered ONLINE via a live simulcast and will be solely based on information already available in the public domain.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone requiring an introduction to protection technologies including (and not limited to): managers; police; design engineers; civil engineers; city planners; material scientists; systems engineers; project managers (including those writing requirement specifications); serving military personnel; business managers and those working to combat terrorism

List of Modules

MODULE 1: Introduction to protection and materials

MODULE 2: Threats 1

MODULE 3: Threats 2

MODULE 4: Penetration mechanism

MODULE 5: Armour materials I

MODULE 6: Armour materials II

MODULE 7: Stress Waves and Shock Waves

MODULE 8: Reactive and Active Armour Systems

MODULE 9: Testing and vulnerability

MODULE 10: Computational modelling

To find out more about the course and to register, click here.

About the Presentor

Paul has over 25 years of experience studying the impact behaviour of materials. In 2012 he moved to Canberra, Australia from the UK to take up the post of Professor of Impact Dynamics at UNSW Canberra. Before taking this position he was Head of the Centre for Ordnance Science and Technology at Cranfield University’s Shrivenham campus (at the UK Defence Academy). He carries out engineering consultancy, has published extensively, appeared in several documentaries and presented his research work at numerous symposia. He has published two books on protection technologies with the most recent called ‘ARMOUR: Materials, Theory, and Design’ (2015, CRC Press), on which the course is based.
Find out more about Paul here.

About UNSW Canberra

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) has proudly provided education services to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in Canberra for more than 50 years.

Through our experience in education and our achievements in research, we excel in teaching undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral research students across arts, business, cyber security, engineering, IT, logistics, management, space and science.

UNSW Canberra is the only Australian national academic institution with an integrated defence focus. Its strength is in defence related, security and engineering research.

More information can be found here.

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