HomeBody Armor ManufacturersReport on SHOT Show 2017

The largest tradeshow for people working in the field of law enforcement, hunting and the shooting sports, is held every year in Las Vegas, NV. The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference, otherwise known as the SHOT Show, features the most comprehensive display of goods in the industry, attracting professionals from all over the United States and 100+ different countries.

Las Vegas’ SHOT Show 2017 is the preeminent exhibition of combined law enforcement equipment, firearms, ammunition, cutlery, optics and outdoor apparel and affiliated products and services available in the world. The largest body armor manufacturers in the U.S. can all be found at the SHOT Show.

We always have our reporter for BodyArmorNews.com fly over to attend the show and he covered the show from head to toe last month on January 18, 2017. He was there to offer our body armor perspective and to meet with and interview many of the manufacturers’ reps who were there touting their latest innovations.

Each representative gave a one- to two-minute presentation and/or demonstration of his or her company’s latest products, which may be brief, but always quite interesting. Are you looking to meet a specific need? Do you want to see how a certain product is used? Check out these SHOT show 2017 product presentations for yourself and to find out what’s new and different this year.

Lori Wagner
Centurion Composite Fabric

Miguel Caballero
Miguel Angel Caballero
Bulletproof Tank Top

The Safariland Group
Tim O’Brien
HARDWIRE® ballistic panel

Tom Nardone
Various body armor products

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