HomePolice Body ArmorNicholls State Police Get Body Armor

Nicholls State Police Get Body Armor

Nicholls State Police Receive Body Armor

All police officers at Nicholls State University have been issued custom-fitted body armor vests.

Craig Jaccuzzo, director of university police, says the recent shooting of a campus officer at Virginia Tech was a wake-up call. He says all police officers – no matter their jurisdiction – need “proper protection.”

The vests were distributed Monday.

Jaccuzzo says that in his 23 years with various law enforcement agencies, he was never issued such quality equipment. He says previous vests were cumbersome and uncomfortable and they had to pay for them from their own pocket. He says he’s grateful his officers will get state-of-the-art armor procured by the university.

Manufactured by Second Chance Body Armor, the “Type IIIA” vests cost $687 each and were purchased from Lafayette-based Barney’s Police Supplies.

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